Recommended Sites to Watch Jdrama and Jmovies
As I said earlier, the websites I bookmarked and and shared in this blog have been closed or changed their url, that's why I have been looking for new websites. Some good news, I've got to know some new websites that subtitle the drama they pick. Not only that, they put some more information about things mentioned in the drama.
Here they are 😉😉😉
1. Blitzfsnsub

I knew this from a group I joined in Facebook. I was in the middle of watching Love Lasts Forever, and the website I depended on updated the drama late. Actually I don't mind, as long as I watch it later. The problem is, the spoiler was everywhere.😑😕😉😅
The website does amazing job. Superb, I can say. They put some information about things mentioned in the drama. Take an example, Love Lasts Forever drama has medical genre. So it's common to have things related to diseases or terms used in medical world. They put some information for audience to get to know it. Some slang in Japanese or traditional or ritual things that you might be unfamiliar with, it's there for you to understand. Amazing, isn't it?
Ah, one thing that I think the minus from this Blitzfansub is the movie they provide is in mkv instead of mp4. My phone is quite old that it cannot afford new app to play. So, I usually watch the drama online here, and if I love the drama that I want to collect, I go to another website to download later 😅😅😅
2. Irozuku
I accidentally found this website when I was looking for a drama entitled Densetsu no Okaasan. This drama sounds unfamiliar to me but seems interesting. So, I go looking for the drama, the synopsis and the main leads.
Not too far different from the previous website I recommend, this Irozuku provides individual subtitle and generously give information about things in the drama. This Irozuku might have worked quite long time since its work has over 80 dramas and movies. And all of them are Japanese... Ssugeeee 👏👏👏👏
Hmmm, one minus I found here is the tags. It only has Drama and Movies. The rest? You have to scroll down until you find what you don't expect Irozuku to have there. I think they should put like alphabetical list so it would be easier to search certain drama.
3. Watchasian
Not too far different from the previous website I recommend, this Irozuku provides individual subtitle and generously give information about things in the drama. This Irozuku might have worked quite long time since its work has over 80 dramas and movies. And all of them are Japanese... Ssugeeee 👏👏👏👏
Hmmm, one minus I found here is the tags. It only has Drama and Movies. The rest? You have to scroll down until you find what you don't expect Irozuku to have there. I think they should put like alphabetical list so it would be easier to search certain drama.
3. Watchasian

This website might be the replacement of dramanice after it changed its url. Similar to dramanice, it has complete collections of Asian dramas: Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Thai. Since this website doesn't have its own subbers, so it waits for others' upload to be re-uploaded here.

It might be the cloning of the previous kissasian. I couldn't access the website in a few months only to find out that this website has changed its url. The appearance also has changed. For me, I prefer the old kissasian.
The minus is still the same, you cannot watch the drama without advertisements interruption and worse, the pop up ads. If you pause the drama for a while, you would find another advertisement. Well, as long as it's worth watching and just consider it as our contribution to this website. Right?
5. Newasiantv

I don't access this website too much. So far, I only check on new Japanese movies or dramas here. Its collection is almost similar to watchasian. But, newasiantv is more generous by putting the synopsis and the actors.
One minus from this website is its appearance is not really interesting. As far as I remember, I watch only one Jmovie here 😁😁😁
6. Wibusubs

I've known this website for quite some times, but honestly, I haven't watched any movies or dramas here. This wibusubs doesn't provide online streaming, as far as I know. It gives you details about how to download the movie, but it's too complicated for me. 😁😁 There was an app called indoxxi, the one I put in this posting, however, it has closed the access due to copyright. I guess some Jmovies I watched taken from this website.
For your information, this website is in Bahasa Indonesia, so is the subtitle. The subbers do great jobs by putting exact texts but in abnormal way. Why abnormal? They sometimes put proper Bahasa Indonesia, at other times they put traditional or even slang texts. If bahasa Indonesia is your mother tongue, this could be hilarious 😂😂😂
Well, I think those are all websites I can share this time. I don't delete my previous posting since it has helped some visitors looking for websites they could rely on. Keep updated for newer info from this blog.
What are you waiting for? Go bookmark those websites or come back here to check on new things :D
Ja, mataneee
Ja, mataneee
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